Wig Zamore
- Committees a part of:
- Advisory Committee
- Environment & Health
- Executive Committee
As a grass roots Somerville based volunteer working with other local activists, Wig co-founded the Mystic View Task Force (MVTF) to help bring dense transit oriented mixed use to Assembly Square (including the region’s first new Orange Line station in decades) and the Somerville Transportation Equity Partnership (STEP) which was instrumental in bringing two new Green Line light rail branches to the community. He also co-founded the Community Assessment of Freeway Exposures and Health (CAFEH) research group with activists and research universities to study surface transport and aviation related ultrafine particles, cardiovascular inflammation, noise and intervention strategies.
As a result of CAFEH and subsequent NIH, HUD and USEPA funded efforts, Wig is a grateful co-author of several dozen peer reviewed journal papers accessible via the National Library of Medicine (PUBMED). As well as several monographs published locally. CAFEH’s doctorates have gone on to distinguished research careers at University of Georgia, Health Effects Institute, Boston University, Volpe National Transportation Reserch Center, and Tufts.
Wig has given many conference and academic presentations. And received awards from the Somerville Chamber of Commerce ( for local economic development), American Inst. of Architects (group award to BSA Seaport Focus Team) for work on South Boston waterfront development concepts, and from USEPA for environmental health efforts. He has served as a Somerville representative and officer of the MBTA Rider Oversight Committee (TROC) for several decades and of the Massport Community Advisory Committee (MCAC).
Contact Wig